Title: Apprendre (translation in English: “To Learn”)
Author: Stanislas Dehaene
Date started & finished: 2018 DEC 25 to 2019 JAN 10
Notes written on: 2019 JAN 10
Why I choose this book:
It was recommended by a family member while I was travelling, and I enjoy learning how to learn.
Book theme/ message:
What our mind is capable of. How it cannot be replaced by computers as our minds has many particularities that a computer does not have and it cannot be programmed (as I am writing this)
Personal connection: How does the book relate to me to me or my experiences?
Including my highlights passages and or quote.
I can relate to this book as my life has transformed into a constant learning journey. The book was recommended to me and I was curious. Now that I have embraced the learning journey (since about 2 years) I have found myself more energetic, more passionate, and feel great most days.
At 2 years old the number of synapses in the brain is close to twice as many as those of an adult. It then keeps the connections that are most used.
The brain is already mapped out with assigned areas. Some functions can migrate from one area to another depending on how the brain is used.
The 4 pillars of learning:
– Attention
– Active engagements -> curiosity
– Learning by error
– Consolidation
Learning a musical instrument from a young age has important effects on the attention of the mind.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau in l’Émile: “la plus grande, la plus importante, la plus utile règle de toute l’éducation? Ce n’est pas de gagner du temps, c’est d’en perdre”
“The biggest, the most important, the most practical rule in education? It is not to win time, it is to lose time.”
Leave room for children to figure things out.
3 ways that schooling can kill curiosity: (Tara’s note: written by a french author and talk about the french schooling system)
1- lack of simulation toward the child
2- punishing their curiosity
3- discouraging curiosity
Space out learning sessions and make them regular daily for short learning, weekly, than monthly to keep information learned longer.
You retain what you learn when you sleep. So sleep is important do no neglect it.
“Face au monde qui bouge, il vaut mieux penser le changement que changer le pansement!”
“in front of an ever changing world, it is best worth to think the change than to change the bandage”
(Tara’s note: in french think and bandage are pronounced the same)
What impact or impression has this book made on me?
Enjoyed it, and it has motivated me even more to keep on learning.
How can I use this?
Keep figuring out how this work by myself with some guidance.
And when learning languages, do a little daily every day.
Why must I use this?
1-It increase the knowledge I have and figuring out who things work lights me up.
2-I can learn languages easier.
When will I use this?
1-When I find myself in front of a puzzle I do not yet know the answer to (Puzzle being anything that comes up in front of me to figure out. I subsidise puzzle instead of problems.)
2-daily when I use language apps
My recommendation of this book: [low 1 … 10 high]
Learning: 10
Easy to read: 8
Why: at the beginning I did slow down reading it but that might have been due to something else. Overall I enjoyed the book very much, learned a few things and reinforced a few others. Curious about learning you can have a read