Title: The 80/20 Principle
Author: Richard Koch
Date started & finished: 10th Jan to 2nd Feb 2019
Notes written on: 2nd Feb 2019
Why I choose this book:
The 80/20 principle has been coming up over and over in podcast & books. I decided to buy a copy, read it and to make sure that I implement it in my life. I am starting on a new business journey and I do not want to become a workaholic and loose the style of life I have created so far.
Book theme/ message:
Focusing on the 20% of the input that will generate the 80% of the results
Personal connection: How does the book relate to me to me or my experiences?
Including my highlights passages and or quote.
I am starting a blog, and creating a service. Focusing on the part that will make the most impact is a priority. So that I may serve people with my content. I want to do my best to avoid spending time on little details that do not make great changes happen.
Therefore I am trying to follow the phrase better done than perfect.
“celebrate exceptional productivity, rather than raise average efforts”
“Where are you making the most money?”
“Simple is beautiful explains the 80/20 Principle. Understanding the cost of complexity”
“Hooking the right Customers” – targeting your niche customers
“Stop thinking 50/50”
“Work Less, Earn and Enjoy More”
“It believes that life is meant to be enjoyed”
“Most people fall into one or more of the following traps. The spend a lot of time with people they do not much like. They do jobs they are not enthusiastic about. They use up most of they ‘free time’ on activities the do not greatly enjoy.”
“There is no shortage of time. In fact, we are positively awash with it. We only make good use of 20 per cent of our time.”
“The Top 10 low-value uses of time
1 Things other people want you to do
2 Things that have always been done this way
3 Things you’re not unusually good at doing
4 Things you don’t enjoy doing
5 Things that are aways interrupted
6 Things few other people are interested in
7 Things that have already taken twice as long as you originally expected
8 Things where your collaborators are unreliable or low quality
9 Things that have predictable cycle
10 Answering the telephone”
“You can always get what you want”
“Start with your lifestyle”
“Make your investment philosophy reflect your personality”
“Two ways to be happier
-Identify the time when you are the most happy, and expand them as much as possible.
-Identify the time when you are least happy, and reduce them as much as possible.”
“In other words, within limits, you can choose to make yourself happy or unhappy and event to make yourself healthy or unhealthy.”
“Making ourselves happier by changing the way we think about ourselves.”
“Daily Happiness habits
1 Exercise
2 Mental stimulation
3 Spiritual/artistic stimulation/meditation
4 Doing a good turn
5 Taking a pleasure break with a friend
6 Giving yourself a treat
7 Congratulating yourself”
“Happiness is a duty. We should choose to be happy. We should work at happiness. And in doing so, we should help those closest to us, and even those who just stumble across us, to share our happiness.”
“Your Hidden Friend …the mind… our subconscious friend”
“A new model of how to tap the subconscious …
Conscious Thought -> Input to Subconscious -> Output from Subconscious”
What impact or impression has this book made on me?
While reading I re-evaluated where iI spent my working time and decided to make changes.
How can I use this?
In the hours I spend working, to make sure I dedicate my time to projects leading me to my goals.
Why must I use this?
It will move me closer to my goals quicker
When will I use this?
Now, I am putting my time into projects that will lead me to my goals and dropping those who are not.
My recommendation of this book: [low 1 … 10 high]
Enjoyment: 8
Learning: 10
Easy to read: 10
Why: I choose to read the whole book so that I may know all the information and decide wether or not to use it after. There were some parts that were too business like and a bit long for me. I can see that others would enjoy it very much.
Happy Reading!